We have been in Haiti just over a month now. I could use this time to update you on the construction of our house and tell you stories of how we are learning to do life here in Haiti, but I would rather focus on something more important: our first foster baby.
I will keep this short and sweet, but I would like to introduce Baby M. Roni and I learned of Baby M the night of July 28, and we went to the hospital to bring him home on July 29. We both knew we were bringing home a baby boy, but I was surprised when a staff member helped me pick out clothes and diapers that were for preemies. In my mind, I was picturing a baby close to 8-10 months. I guess we didn’t ask any questions—we just said “yes, we’re ready.” We had three weeks to settle in, and we were ready to start what we came here to do.

We have quickly fallen in love with this little guy. He really is a great baby, and we think he is pretty cute! He has become a great eater and gained a full pound in the first week we’ve lived with him.
As you can imagine, he is using a lot of formula and diapers. Finding 12 sponsors at $35/month will fully cover his expenses to live here with us. We have already found one sponsor, so we only need 11 more. Can you be one of Baby M’s 12?
To sign up for child sponsorship for Baby M or any child at COTP, click HERE.
We hope to post pictures of the Hope House soon. In the meantime, please pray that Baby M continues to adjust well, remain healthy, and gain weight.
Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site. Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise.