How can you help?

We know that not all people are called to move to Haiti.  Even though you have not been called to go, you can still help in so many ways.  We really hope you will consider partnering with us in one of the following ways:

1.  Pray with us.  Our number one need is to be covered in prayer throughout this entire journey.  Right now, we can specifically use prayers as we are preparing to leave Nashville.  Please pray that we will be prepared for the move as best as we can be, that we will find more time to spend with our friends we will soon be leaving in between our long work hours, and that our financial situation will be okay.  Please also pray for the children and nannies who will be living in our home in the near future.

2.  Support us financially.  We have been asked to raise $62,000 for our first year with COTP.  $32,000 will cover our personal cost of living (housing, groceries, health insurance, travel between Haiti and the US, cell phone minutes, and all other miscellaneous expenses).  The other $30,000 is the estimated cost to run the household (food and medicine for children, diapers, nanny salaries, etc.).

To give to our fund, click HERE.

Please put "Bhullars" in the designation box so that funds can be tracked appropriately.  You may also give by check or cash by mailing the donation to the physical address listed when you click the above link.  Please do not put our names anywhere on the check but instead include a note saying that it is for our fund.  Otherwise, COTP will not know to apply it to our fundraising goal.

3.  Purchase items from our wish list.  Our Amazon wish list is currently inactive, but we will be updating it soon.  Right now, we have a lot of personal items we would like to bring down with us.  If you are able to bless us with some of these items, we would greatly appreciate it.  If you do not live in the Nashville area, we will be happy to provide our shipping address to send items or a gift card.

We will continue to update this list, so check back often.  Unless specified, generic is absolutely fine!

Adult multivitamins
Children multivitamins
Tylenol (acetaminophen)
Aleve (naproxen sodium)
Advil (ibuprofen)
Chewable Pepto-Bismol
Tums or other heartburn medication
Omega 3 – fish oil supplements
Anti itch cream
Band-aids – all sizes
Hydrogen peroxide
Rubbing alcohol
Witch hazel
Netipot refill packets
Braun thermometer disposable covers
Saline eye drops

Personal care:
Toothbrushes – soft bristle – adult and children
Toothpaste – adult regular, adult sensitive, and children’s
Deodorant – Old Spice ORIGINAL formula
Deodorant – Women’s Secret brand – gel or invisible solid, any scent
Cotton balls
Dr. Bronner’s baby mild soap – bars or liquid
Bug spray
Sunscreen – SPF 30
Coconut oil
Hair gel

13 gallon trash bags
Plastic shopping bags for bathroom trash cans
Sharpie markers
Rubbermaid Tupperware-type containers -- large sizes
Pens – blue and black
Pencils – Ticonderoga wooden or BIC mechanical
Night lights
Target or Wal-Mart gift cards in any amount
Plastic storage containers (ask us about sizes currently needed/able to fit in our luggage)
Tape - masking, packing, electric, regular Scotch

Fun items:
Coloring books
Birthday candles
Kid-sized sports balls – soccer, football, etc.
Holiday items – Egg dying kits, plastic Easter eggs, Christmas lights, etc.
iTunes gift cards to purchase music

Board or card games