1. We are heavy in the fundraising process. We would love to come speak with your church or have coffee with anyone in the Nashville area who wants to know more about COTP and our role as house parents. We are seeking to raise $62,000 per year. We know this is a lofty goal, but we also know God will help us in the process.
2. We hope to take "Creole 102," an eight-week course offered at a local church, this spring. It is taught by Haitians, and we really enjoyed the first course we took last year. I know our language skills will not take off until we get to Haiti, but we can do our best to learn a little bit of the basics before then.
3. We made our first two "Haiti purchases." We got razor blades for a year, as well as some moisture wicking clothing to help with the heat. I also got a dress, and those who know me well know that this is a rare purchase. We are trying to purchase personal items slowly so that it is not such a big hit right before we move. We will likely be making an Amazon wish list soon with personal items, as we have had some of you very kind folks ask what we currently need.
Please continue to pray with us and encourage us as we prepare for the move over these next six months. We have been so blown away by the encouragement and generosity from friends, family, and even strangers. You do not know how much it means to us just to be asked a question about Haiti and why we are going.